Add listings to your website



Our listings widget allows you to showcase all of your active vacancies on your website, or share your vacancies with anyone on any platform.

Your listing widget codes are available in your "Settings" screen. Use them to display all your current vacancies on your website.

How do I set it up?

My website is hosted by Appfolio

You'll need to add two pieces of code to your website. If you run into issues, contact AppFolio, who will be able to assist with the updates.

Step 1

Go to Showdigs > Settings > Business and copy the "Code snippet to place..."

Step 2

Go to the AppFolio website editor and paste the code in the <head> of your site.

Step 3

Go back to Showdigs > Settings > Business and copy the "Element snippet to place..."

Step 4

Go back to the AppFolio website editor and paste the snippet on the page you would like to see the listings.

Step 5

Go to your AppFolio website in your browser, and check out your new listing page!

Alternate method

If you run into issues with the above, even after contacting AppFolio, you can try this method instead. This will limit the use of your AI assistant chatbot, but should still work to add Showdigs listings to your website.

Simply add the following code snippet to the page you would like to see the listings:

<iframe src="YOUR_STANDALONE_LINK" frameborder="0" scrolling="yes" style="height: 750px; width: 100%; overflow: auto;"></iframe>

Make sure you replace YOUR_STANDALONE_LINK with the standalone link for your listing page, which you can find from Showdigs > Settings > Business.

My website is hosted in Squarespace

Step 1

Go to Showdigs > Settings > Business and copy the "Code snippet to place..."

Step 2

In Squarespace, go to Pages > Website Tools > Code Injection and paste the code in the Header.

Step 3

Go back to Showdigs > Settings > Business and copy the "Element snippet to place..."

Step 4

Return to Squarespace, go to the page you would like to see the listings on (or create a new page).

Step 5

Edit the page, and add a section (if needed), and add a block. Choose "Code" as the block.

Step 6

Edit the code block, paste the snippet from Showdigs, and save.

Step 7

Drag and expand the code block to fit the entire page, and save again.

Video walkthrough

My website is hosted in Wix

Step 1

Go to Showdigs > Settings > Business and copy the "Code snippet to place..."

Step 2

Go to Wix, and go to the site Settings > Advanced > Custom Code.

Click "Add Custom Code" and paste the code snippet in the Head of your site.

Step 3

Go back to Showdigs > Settings > Business and copy the "Element snippet to place..."

Step 4

Go back to Wix, and open your site in Dev Mode. Go to the page and section you would like to show your listings and click Add Elements > Embed Code > Custom Element.

Step 5

After you've placed the element in your site, select it, and click "Set Attributes."

Add an attribute where the name is "id" and the value is "showdigs-listings".

Step 6

Save and publish your changes. Then, view the website in your browser, and check out your new listing page!

My website is hosted elsewhere

Step 1

Go to Showdigs > Settings > Business and copy the "Code snippet to place..."

Step 2

Go to your website editor and paste the code in the <head> of your site.

This step requires access to your website template code files as most Content Management Software (CMS) won’t let you edit the <head> tag per specific page.

Step 3

Go back to Showdigs > Settings > Business and copy the "Element snippet to place..."

Step 4

Go back to your website editor and paste the snippet on the page you would like to see the listings. Make sure you are editing the page in HTML.

Most Content Management Software (CMS) will let you edit the page contents, including its HTML, from the CMS edit page. If you can’t seem to control & edit your HTML from your CMS then access to your template code will be required.

Step 5

View the website in your browser, and check out your new listing page!


Can I share a link to my listings without adding it to my website?

Yes! You can find the link in Showdigs (Settings > Business > "Listings standalone website link"). It will show all of your active properties in a list and on a map, with a link to each, and additional filters to help parse through what's available. The page is hosted by us, and will always be available and up to date.