Scheduling QR Code



In today's digital age, convenience is key for prospective renters. Showdigs offers a unique solution to streamline the scheduling process for property tours through the use of QR codes, that you can download and print.

Accessing the unique scheduling QR Code

Every activated property on Showdigs is assigned a unique scheduling QR code. To access this code, simply enter the property page and click on the Listing Link button and you'll see it:

Now you have the option to download the code, allowing you to save it on your computer for future use.

Benefits of Using the Scheduling QR Code

The scheduling QR code provides a seamless experience for prospective renters. By scanning the code with their mobile device, prospects are directed to the scheduling page for the specific property, where they can easily book a tour. This feature enhances user experience and simplifies the scheduling process.

The unique scheduling QR code can be utilized in various marketing materials, including social media posts, rental flyers, property signage or online listings. Check the example below:
