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You will need your 6-digit admin/agent code to update your Codebox's date, time, and/or daylight savings time settings.

  1. Key in the admin/agent code followed by <ENTER>.

  2. You'll see the current time setting scroll across the screen.

  3. Wait 5 seconds until the screen says Select CMD: at the top.

  4. Press the [1] button to update the Date. You can now enter the date in the format MM/DD/YY. When you are finished entering the date, press the [Enter] button and you will be taken to the "Time" option.

  5. Enter the Hour and Minutes then push the [3] button to change AM/PM. Next you will enter the hour you would like the keypad to be illuminated for showings after dark (lighting the keypad will use battery life). If you do not want the keypad to be illuminated set the time to "00A". When you are finished entering the time, push the [Enter] button and you will be taken to the "Daylight Savings Time (DST)" option.

  6. Daylight Savings Time (DST) option should be in the "1" or "on" position. Please note that the box is programmed to adjust for DST, not on the exact day but within a week timeframe. It is set this way because the actual date of DST changes from year to year. Once confirmed it is in the "1" or "on" position, press [Enter] and you will be taken to the "Agent Code" option.

  7. Push the [6] button to update the Showing Window/Access. Enter the time that showings are allowed to start and then the hour that showings are no longer allowed (ex. ST: 08A ED: 09P).