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Addresses & Naming

AppFolio Property Type: "Single-Family"

We recommend only using "Single-Family" when the property is truly a single family home for home. In this case, simply enter the address and name in AppFolio.

However, if you are managing a single unit in a property, and have added it to AppFolio as a "Single-Family" property, please make sure the unit name/number is entered in the "Address 2" field. This will ensure that the address and name in Showdigs is accurate.

AppFolio Property Type: "Multi-Family"

The property address should be entered with the basic address for the building.

The unit(s) should include the same basic address, with the unit name/number entered either as the "Unit > Name" or the "Unit > Address 2." This will ensure that the address and name in Showdigs is accurate. (If both Name and Address 2 are filled in, we will use the shorter of the two as the unit name in Showdigs.)

While we don't recommend configurations where the property's Address 1 does not match the unit's Address 1 in AppFolio, we do support it. In those situations, the unit's entire Address 1 will be used as its name in Showdigs.


There are two important steps to sharing a property with Showdigs.

First, the property must be shared through the integration settings in AppFolio. This ensures that we can access the property as a whole, and will result in the property address and location appearing in the app.

Second, the property must be "Posted to Website" in AppFolio. This will provide access to basic details (bed, bath, size), images, and showing related information (rent, availability date, pet policy).