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When a prospect inquires about a property, Showdigs will automatically send them a message, encouraging them to schedule a tour. This will be sent via SMS and/or email, depending on what contact details we have available.

Here's an example of a common flow for the prospect...

  1. A prospect inquires about a property in Zillow.

  2. Showdigs receives the inquiry and immediately sends an SMS.

  3. If the prospect hasn't scheduled a tour within 24 hours, we'll send them a reminder message. Once they've scheduled their tour, we'll send them a confirmation.

  4. We will send the prospect reminder of their tour the day before, another reminder the day of, and a final reminder 30-60 minutes before their tour. We'll also ask them to confirm their attendance 3 hours before the tour is scheduled to start (or the night before if it's an early morning tour).

  5. For self-showing tours, the prospect will receive a message 10 minutes before their tour starts. The link will allow them to access the lockbox and start their tour.

  6. For self-showing tours, we'll also send them a message when their tour is completed, reminding them to lock up and ask to complete a tour report.

  7. For self-showings, we'll also send up to 3 reminders if they don't complete the tour report right away.

We also have flows for cancellations, and a few variations for different types of tours, but this should provide a good example of how we keep prospects engaged and encourage them to schedule and attend their tours.