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If you have ILS syndication enabled with any network, you will now see statuses for those ads on the property page (Properties > [select property] > Overview > Property Info). You can see an overview in the Property Info section. Expand it to see a status for each network.

Once live, you can click on Live to be brought to the primary ad in the network.

Other common statuses include:

  • Pending: This appears when we have published your ad, but the syndication network hasn't picked it up yet.

  • Not Posted - Duplicate: This indicates that the property was already live on the network, so our listing wasn't added. Typically this happens if you've already syndicated the property through your PMS, or another system. To resolve, you should remove the listing from your PMS, so that the copy in Showdigs will be used for the ad.

  • Posted for Syndication: This is a status used for syndication, and indicates that the property is in the syndication feed. Unfortunately, their process does not allow us to get a specific URL link, nor does it give feedback when the ad is officially posted, so this will always be the status. updates their listings once per day.